AMA Citation Generator
The American Medical Association (AMA) citation generator is a specialized tool that helps researchers and medical professionals create accurate references for journal articles, websites, and publications following AMA's strict formatting guidelines (11th edition). It ensures proper attribution and maintains academic integrity in medical writing.
Generate Citation
AMA Citation Formula
Author(s). Article Title. Journal Name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. URL/DOI
Advantages & Disadvantages
- Standardized formatting for medical literature
- Enhances research credibility
- Simplifies complex reference requirements
- Automatic DOI/link formatting
- Reduces formatting errors
- Steep learning curve for new users
- Limited flexibility in formatting
- Requires precise punctuation
- Frequent updates to guidelines
- No official AMA digital tool
What is AMA citation format?
The AMA citation format is the American Medical Association's official referencing style used in medical research publications. It uses numerical references in superscript, with full citations listed in numerical order at the end of documents. Proper AMA formatting includes specific author formatting, journal title abbreviations, and punctuation rules.
How to cite a website in AMA format?
To cite a website in AMA format: Author(s). Title. Website Name. Published Month Day, Year. Updated Month Day, Year. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL. Include author if available, website title in italics, publication/update dates if available, and always include access date and URL.
How to format multiple authors in AMA?
For 1-6 authors: List all names. For 7+ authors: List first 3 followed by "et al." Format: Last Name Initial(s) without periods or commas between authors. Example: Smith J, Doe AB, Johnson TC, et al. Always use initials for first/middle names without spaces.