Home Tools Website Citation Generator Tool

Website Citation Generator Tool

Website Citation Generator Tool - Create APA & MLA Citations Instantly

What is a Website Citation Generator?

A website citation generator is an online tool that automatically creates properly formatted references for web sources in various citation styles (APA, MLA, etc.). It simplifies academic writing by generating accurate citations with required elements like author, title, URL, and publication date.

Generate Your Citation

Citation Formula

APA: Author Last Name, Initials. (Year, Month Date). Page Title. Website Name. URL
MLA: Author Last Name, First Name. "Page Title." Website Name, Publisher, Date, URL

Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantages: Saves time in formatting references, reduces human error, ensures consistency with style guidelines, provides instant results, helps organize references, supports multiple citation styles, useful for beginners learning citation formats.

Disadvantages: May not handle complex sources perfectly, limited customization options, potential for technical errors, over-reliance might hinder learning of manual citation, some tools include unnecessary paywalls, occasional formatting inconsistencies between different generators. While extremely useful for basic citations, critical evaluation of generated citations remains essential, especially for non-standard sources. Always verify against official style guides for important documents.

APA Website Citation Generator

Our APA citation generator creates references following the 7th edition APA guidelines. It formats author names as Last, Initials, includes retrieval dates for unstable content, and uses proper title capitalization. The tool automatically structures elements in the correct order: Author, Date, Title, Website, and URL.

MLA Website Citation Generator

The MLA generator follows the 9th edition rules, formatting author names as Last, First, enclosing article titles in quotes, and including both publication and access dates. It omits URLs' http:// prefix and places containers (website names) in italics. Publisher information is included when available.

Website APA Citation Generator

This specialized tool focuses specifically on web sources for APA style. It handles missing authors by moving titles to the author position, properly formats dates as (Year, Month Day), and uses sentence case for titles. The generator includes necessary Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) when available.

APA Citation Website Generator

Our APA website generator creates both in-text citations and reference list entries. It properly formats parenthetical citations with author and date, handles multiple authors using "et al.", and creates hanging indents for reference lists. The tool automatically italicizes website names and applies proper URL formatting.